Tuesday, 20 October 2009

PREVIEW: Solo show of Sculpture by Daniel Sodhi-Miles,

A Solo show of Sculpture by Daniel Sodhi-Miles

Preview: Tuesday 3rd November '09, 6-9pm
Show lasts: Wednesday 4th November - Sunday 22nd November '09

Is a self taught carpenter and sculptor.

Daniels work is ever evolving, often beginning with simple primary forms and numbers and shifting gradually. His work is primarily concerned with love and the interconnections within his life to others. Many of the objects he creates appear calm and aesthetically pleasing, yet the processes used in their creation are often incredibly noisy, dusty and aggressive. Most of these pieces are born quite violently and very rapidly as the act of working upon them is an acute focus of intent upon the material gradually relenting to the final caress of finishing touches.
His work seems able to cross some of the supposed boundaries between art and craft as he tends to use many traditional and some may say obsolete skills and tools alongside computer aided design and manufacturing processes to create contemporary interventions and objects.

He lives and works in Cornwall.


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